无数叫"刘晓波"的人都惨了,短信都不能提及。据说刘晓波获奖后,CCAV那个叫刘晓波的记者泪流满面。回家直怨爹妈乱起名字,害得再也不能出境了 :(
新浪 http://news.sina.com.cn/z/2010Nobel/ 被删
网易 http://news.163.com/special/2010NobelPrize/ 页面保留,留下了三个字"已删除"
搜狐 http://news.sohu.com/s2010/nobel10/ 自动跳转到其它页面
现在,四大门户专题被撤,中国移动、联通短信过滤刘晓波三字,各大搜索过滤该词,新闻评论、博客和微博审核员加班,除添加自动词条外大幅增强人工干预力度,刘妻被警方紧急带离北京。图为刘晓波妻子刘霞家外站满世界各地记者 http://imgur.com/26nhw
苹果日报: 当确认刘晓波获奖后,不仅中国各平面与电子媒体一致封口,连各大饭店内自行架设卫星接收的CNN/NHK/BBC等国际频道,也在播报相关新闻时遭中国当局盖台,画面顿时变黑。
博讯: 胡锦涛李长春下令封杀刘晓波获诺奖新闻
1989年的CCTV: 抓住刘晓波的黑手 http://cl.ly/e68e9509762bc370d05d
太给力了!《北京青年报》不要命了? http://twitpic.com/2vpoow
热烈祝贺刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖: 但外交部发言人说"诺贝尔委会授予刘晓波和平奖是对该奖的亵渎",我还认为把刘晓波关押起来是对宪法的亵渎呢 http://zuo.in/dwOwY4
今晚全球各大百年报业一致头条 http://goo.gl/tGJb
全球各大媒体: 时代周刊,纽约时报,华盛顿邮报,洛杉机时报,今日美国,英国卫报,英国泰晤士报,法国回声报,德国明镜周刊,朝日新闻,读卖新闻,GBS,NHK,半岛电视台等报道刘晓波获诺奖的新闻集锦 http://is.gd/fSfo4
美国之音: 奥巴马呼吁中国政府释放刘晓波: 美国总统奥巴马呼吁北京政府释放中国异议人士刘晓波。刘晓波星期五被评为2010年诺贝尔和平奖得主。诺贝尔奖委员会表示,他们将这项荣誉颁发给刘晓波是因为"他在中国为了基本人权作出的长期和... http://bit.ly/b70FSq
美国之音: 美众议院议长佩洛西在书面声明中给予刘晓波高度评价。她说,刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,成为人类历史上争取非暴力、正义和自由的领袖人物之一。
美国之音: 《刘晓波到底是什么人?》 http://is.gd/fSxUZ
美国之音: 俄国媒体:刘晓波是中国萨哈罗夫:刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖在俄罗斯引起热烈反响。媒体把刘晓波称做中国的萨哈罗夫。人权人士称刘晓波获奖当之无愧。有专家认为,中国要想在国际社会扮演更重要角色,必须使政治体制民主化,刘晓波获奖是向中国发出… http://bit.ly/aoypZh
美国之音: 香港各界对刘晓波获奖的反应: 中国内地的异见人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖在香港引起强烈反响,不同阶层,不同政治观点的人做出不同的反应。星期六,绝大多数香港主流媒体都以显著位置长篇报道了刘晓波获奖一事… http://bit.ly/bMDbxr
BBC中文网: 法国政府呼吁释放刘晓波 http://j.mp/bJbSOR 中国异议人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖后,法国呼吁中国立即释放被监禁的刘晓波。
BBC中文网: 港媒评论:刘晓波"因言入罪、因言获奖" 香港各大报纸都在头版头条大篇幅报道刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖的消息,并刊发了大量评论和照片。 http://bbc.in/deBVxX
BBC中文网: 美国呼吁北京释放刘晓波:美国总统奥巴马和美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿分别呼吁中国尽快释放诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波。 http://bbc.in/9UnfYq
BBC中文网: 刘晓波获奖 海外异议人士反应不一:因起草《零八宪章》被中共当局投入监狱的中国异议人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,海外民运和异议人士作出反应。 http://bbc.in/9hkT5C
BBC中文网: 简讯:刘晓波获奖中国向挪威抗议: 中国周五召见挪威驻中国大使,就挪威诺贝尔委员会将2010年诺贝尔和平奖颁发给刘晓波提出抗议。 http://bbc.in/9lONiC
BBC中文网: 马英九祝贺刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖: 台湾总统、行政院长分别表示祝贺,在野的民进党则呼吁台湾政府能支持中国民主化进程。 http://bbc.in/dbbhQ8
BBC中文网: 澳大利亚再次呼吁释放刘晓波: 澳大利亚总理吉拉德表示,将继续以刘晓波的名义向中国政府交涉。 http://bbc.in/aRD5hD
BBC中文网: 英国媒体广泛报道刘晓波获诺贝尔奖: 英国各大报章详尽报道刘晓波得到和平奖的消息,分析指这是对中国政府的专制的谴责。 http://bbc.in/brZwe7
德国之声: 德国政府要求立即释放刘晓波: http://bit.ly/bzX0SF
德国之声: 获奖之后,刘晓波家被封锁,自发庆祝者被抓。刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖的消息传出后,中国政府国保阻止刘晓波妻子刘霞与传媒见面,中国四大门户网站诺奖专题被撤下,带有相关敏感词的短信被过滤,至晚间20时…… http://bit.ly/byP6k1
德国之声: 刘晓波获奖受到国际关注:德国、挪威和法国政府均对中国异见人士刘晓波荣获诺贝尔和平奖表示祝贺,并呼吁立即释放这位狱中作家。人权组织大赦国际呼吁中国释放所有良心犯。德国媒体也对刘晓波获奖给予极大关注。 http://bit.ly/9OfLui
德国之音: 中国多个城市警方抓捕刘晓波支持者:刘晓波获得诺贝尔和平奖后,中国当局从宣布获奖的一刻起,开始对自发庆祝的中国公众进行抓捕。 http://bit.ly/b6Ei6Q
自由亚洲电台: 大陆封锁刘晓波获奖消息,庆祝人士被捕: 刘晓波获奖的消息震撼不少中国人,尽管当局全力封杀有关消息,包括阻止手机发出有关内容的短信、各大门户网站不断删走有关内容的网帖、及对与诺贝尔奖有关的其他报道进行大清洗,但无阻网民以各种……
第一篇说: 一直没有中国人因为他在中国的努力工作而获得诺贝尔奖,直到刘晓波通过服刑11年这种为了民主而工作的方式获奖。这个对他的勇气和正直表达认同的奖终将有一天会成为所有中国人的骄傲。
第二篇评论是林培瑞写的: 他分析说胡锦涛在05年发表了一篇预防颜色革命的报告,指出要防止中国出现叶利钦/瓦文萨/曼德拉这样的人,所以共产党一直执行的是枪打出头鸟的政策,刘晓波就是他们眼中的出头鸟和大家伙,但是他们犯了一个愚蠢的错误。
纽约客谈刘晓波: 中国持不同政见者的困境,远非外国人可想象。压力不但来自公安,还有雇主,甚至父母。最难堪是来自于知识界/思想界同侪。他们会认为你是为了单纯的对抗而不是求切实的成果。甚至是把自己包装成一个符合西方审美的异议分子。
香港電台: 公民黨到中聯辦要求釋放劉曉波!
这几位以色列同学说:1 看来这个奖发对了 2 中国政府为什么这么蠢?
记者采访刘晓波,问之:请问您为什么要参选诺贝尔和平奖?刘晓波轻抚身旁的孩子,答:不是我要拿这个奖的,是全国人民选举我来拿的 (涛哥此刻内流满面)。
挪威,我真的爱你,你给了中国人民一个太大的走向未来的机会! Thank you Norway, you just gave Chinese people a chance towards the bright future!
1 给中国的异议人士颁诺奖绝不是一个错误的选择
2 这个政权愚蠢至极
标签: 政治
5 评论:
2010-10-9 15:12:00
lf 说...
2010-10-9 17:07:00
good 说...
2010-10-9 23:33:00
Nevesa 说...
2010-10-10 2:13:00
2010-10-10 9:08:00
Saturday, October 9, 2010
无数叫"刘晓波"的人都惨了,短信都不能提及。据说刘晓波获奖后,CCAV那个叫刘晓波的记者泪流满面。回家直怨爹妈乱起名字,害得再也不能出境了 :(
新浪 http://news.sina.com.cn/z/2010Nobel/ 被删
网易 http://news.163.com/special/2010NobelPrize/ 页面保留,留下了三个字"已删除"
搜狐 http://news.sohu.com/s2010/nobel10/ 自动跳转到其它页面
现在,四大门户专题被撤,中国移动、联通短信过滤刘晓波三字,各大搜索过滤该词,新闻评论、博客和微博审核员加班,除添加自动词条外大幅增强人工干预力度,刘妻被警方紧急带离北京。图为刘晓波妻子刘霞家外站满世界各地记者 http://imgur.com/26nhw
苹果日报: 当确认刘晓波获奖后,不仅中国各平面与电子媒体一致封口,连各大饭店内自行架设卫星接收的CNN/NHK/BBC等国际频道,也在播报相关新闻时遭中国当局盖台,画面顿时变黑。
博讯: 胡锦涛李长春下令封杀刘晓波获诺奖新闻
1989年的CCTV: 抓住刘晓波的黑手 http://cl.ly/e68e9509762bc370d05d
太给力了!《北京青年报》不要命了? http://twitpic.com/2vpoow
热烈祝贺刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖: 但外交部发言人说"诺贝尔委会授予刘晓波和平奖是对该奖的亵渎",我还认为把刘晓波关押起来是对宪法的亵渎呢 http://zuo.in/dwOwY4
今晚全球各大百年报业一致头条 http://goo.gl/tGJb
全球各大媒体: 时代周刊,纽约时报,华盛顿邮报,洛杉机时报,今日美国,英国卫报,英国泰晤士报,法国回声报,德国明镜周刊,朝日新闻,读卖新闻,GBS,NHK,半岛电视台等报道刘晓波获诺奖的新闻集锦 http://is.gd/fSfo4
美国之音: 奥巴马呼吁中国政府释放刘晓波: 美国总统奥巴马呼吁北京政府释放中国异议人士刘晓波。刘晓波星期五被评为2010年诺贝尔和平奖得主。诺贝尔奖委员会表示,他们将这项荣誉颁发给刘晓波是因为"他在中国为了基本人权作出的长期和... http://bit.ly/b70FSq
美国之音: 美众议院议长佩洛西在书面声明中给予刘晓波高度评价。她说,刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,成为人类历史上争取非暴力、正义和自由的领袖人物之一。
美国之音: 《刘晓波到底是什么人?》 http://is.gd/fSxUZ
美国之音: 俄国媒体:刘晓波是中国萨哈罗夫:刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖在俄罗斯引起热烈反响。媒体把刘晓波称做中国的萨哈罗夫。人权人士称刘晓波获奖当之无愧。有专家认为,中国要想在国际社会扮演更重要角色,必须使政治体制民主化,刘晓波获奖是向中国发出… http://bit.ly/aoypZh
美国之音: 香港各界对刘晓波获奖的反应: 中国内地的异见人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖在香港引起强烈反响,不同阶层,不同政治观点的人做出不同的反应。星期六,绝大多数香港主流媒体都以显著位置长篇报道了刘晓波获奖一事… http://bit.ly/bMDbxr
BBC中文网: 法国政府呼吁释放刘晓波 http://j.mp/bJbSOR 中国异议人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖后,法国呼吁中国立即释放被监禁的刘晓波。
BBC中文网: 港媒评论:刘晓波"因言入罪、因言获奖" 香港各大报纸都在头版头条大篇幅报道刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖的消息,并刊发了大量评论和照片。 http://bbc.in/deBVxX
BBC中文网: 美国呼吁北京释放刘晓波:美国总统奥巴马和美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿分别呼吁中国尽快释放诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波。 http://bbc.in/9UnfYq
BBC中文网: 刘晓波获奖 海外异议人士反应不一:因起草《零八宪章》被中共当局投入监狱的中国异议人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,海外民运和异议人士作出反应。 http://bbc.in/9hkT5C
BBC中文网: 简讯:刘晓波获奖中国向挪威抗议: 中国周五召见挪威驻中国大使,就挪威诺贝尔委员会将2010年诺贝尔和平奖颁发给刘晓波提出抗议。 http://bbc.in/9lONiC
BBC中文网: 马英九祝贺刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖: 台湾总统、行政院长分别表示祝贺,在野的民进党则呼吁台湾政府能支持中国民主化进程。 http://bbc.in/dbbhQ8
BBC中文网: 澳大利亚再次呼吁释放刘晓波: 澳大利亚总理吉拉德表示,将继续以刘晓波的名义向中国政府交涉。 http://bbc.in/aRD5hD
BBC中文网: 英国媒体广泛报道刘晓波获诺贝尔奖: 英国各大报章详尽报道刘晓波得到和平奖的消息,分析指这是对中国政府的专制的谴责。 http://bbc.in/brZwe7
德国之声: 德国政府要求立即释放刘晓波: http://bit.ly/bzX0SF
德国之声: 获奖之后,刘晓波家被封锁,自发庆祝者被抓。刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖的消息传出后,中国政府国保阻止刘晓波妻子刘霞与传媒见面,中国四大门户网站诺奖专题被撤下,带有相关敏感词的短信被过滤,至晚间20时…… http://bit.ly/byP6k1
德国之声: 刘晓波获奖受到国际关注:德国、挪威和法国政府均对中国异见人士刘晓波荣获诺贝尔和平奖表示祝贺,并呼吁立即释放这位狱中作家。人权组织大赦国际呼吁中国释放所有良心犯。德国媒体也对刘晓波获奖给予极大关注。 http://bit.ly/9OfLui
德国之音: 中国多个城市警方抓捕刘晓波支持者:刘晓波获得诺贝尔和平奖后,中国当局从宣布获奖的一刻起,开始对自发庆祝的中国公众进行抓捕。 http://bit.ly/b6Ei6Q
自由亚洲电台: 大陆封锁刘晓波获奖消息,庆祝人士被捕: 刘晓波获奖的消息震撼不少中国人,尽管当局全力封杀有关消息,包括阻止手机发出有关内容的短信、各大门户网站不断删走有关内容的网帖、及对与诺贝尔奖有关的其他报道进行大清洗,但无阻网民以各种……
第一篇说: 一直没有中国人因为他在中国的努力工作而获得诺贝尔奖,直到刘晓波通过服刑11年这种为了民主而工作的方式获奖。这个对他的勇气和正直表达认同的奖终将有一天会成为所有中国人的骄傲。
第二篇评论是林培瑞写的: 他分析说胡锦涛在05年发表了一篇预防颜色革命的报告,指出要防止中国出现叶利钦/瓦文萨/曼德拉这样的人,所以共产党一直执行的是枪打出头鸟的政策,刘晓波就是他们眼中的出头鸟和大家伙,但是他们犯了一个愚蠢的错误。
纽约客谈刘晓波: 中国持不同政见者的困境,远非外国人可想象。压力不但来自公安,还有雇主,甚至父母。最难堪是来自于知识界/思想界同侪。他们会认为你是为了单纯的对抗而不是求切实的成果。甚至是把自己包装成一个符合西方审美的异议分子。
香港電台: 公民黨到中聯辦要求釋放劉曉波!
这几位以色列同学说:1 看来这个奖发对了 2 中国政府为什么这么蠢?
记者采访刘晓波,问之:请问您为什么要参选诺贝尔和平奖?刘晓波轻抚身旁的孩子,答:不是我要拿这个奖的,是全国人民选举我来拿的 (涛哥此刻内流满面)。
挪威,我真的爱你,你给了中国人民一个太大的走向未来的机会! Thank you Norway, you just gave Chinese people a chance towards the bright future!
1 给中国的异议人士颁诺奖绝不是一个错误的选择
2 这个政权愚蠢至极
标签: 政治
5 评论:
2010-10-9 15:12:00
lf 说...
2010-10-9 17:07:00
good 说...
2010-10-9 23:33:00
Nevesa 说...
2010-10-10 2:13:00
2010-10-10 9:08:00
无数叫"刘晓波"的人都惨了,短信都不能提及。据说刘晓波获奖后,CCAV那个叫刘晓波的记者泪流满面。回家直怨爹妈乱起名字,害得再也不能出境了 :(
新浪 http://news.sina.com.cn/z/2010Nobel/ 被删
网易 http://news.163.com/special/2010NobelPrize/ 页面保留,留下了三个字"已删除"
搜狐 http://news.sohu.com/s2010/nobel10/ 自动跳转到其它页面
现在,四大门户专题被撤,中国移动、联通短信过滤刘晓波三字,各大搜索过滤该词,新闻评论、博客和微博审核员加班,除添加自动词条外大幅增强人工干预力度,刘妻被警方紧急带离北京。图为刘晓波妻子刘霞家外站满世界各地记者 http://imgur.com/26nhw
苹果日报: 当确认刘晓波获奖后,不仅中国各平面与电子媒体一致封口,连各大饭店内自行架设卫星接收的CNN/NHK/BBC等国际频道,也在播报相关新闻时遭中国当局盖台,画面顿时变黑。
博讯: 胡锦涛李长春下令封杀刘晓波获诺奖新闻
1989年的CCTV: 抓住刘晓波的黑手 http://cl.ly/e68e9509762bc370d05d
太给力了!《北京青年报》不要命了? http://twitpic.com/2vpoow
热烈祝贺刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖: 但外交部发言人说"诺贝尔委会授予刘晓波和平奖是对该奖的亵渎",我还认为把刘晓波关押起来是对宪法的亵渎呢 http://zuo.in/dwOwY4
今晚全球各大百年报业一致头条 http://goo.gl/tGJb
全球各大媒体: 时代周刊,纽约时报,华盛顿邮报,洛杉机时报,今日美国,英国卫报,英国泰晤士报,法国回声报,德国明镜周刊,朝日新闻,读卖新闻,GBS,NHK,半岛电视台等报道刘晓波获诺奖的新闻集锦 http://is.gd/fSfo4
美国之音: 奥巴马呼吁中国政府释放刘晓波: 美国总统奥巴马呼吁北京政府释放中国异议人士刘晓波。刘晓波星期五被评为2010年诺贝尔和平奖得主。诺贝尔奖委员会表示,他们将这项荣誉颁发给刘晓波是因为"他在中国为了基本人权作出的长期和... http://bit.ly/b70FSq
美国之音: 美众议院议长佩洛西在书面声明中给予刘晓波高度评价。她说,刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,成为人类历史上争取非暴力、正义和自由的领袖人物之一。
美国之音: 《刘晓波到底是什么人?》 http://is.gd/fSxUZ
美国之音: 俄国媒体:刘晓波是中国萨哈罗夫:刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖在俄罗斯引起热烈反响。媒体把刘晓波称做中国的萨哈罗夫。人权人士称刘晓波获奖当之无愧。有专家认为,中国要想在国际社会扮演更重要角色,必须使政治体制民主化,刘晓波获奖是向中国发出… http://bit.ly/aoypZh
美国之音: 香港各界对刘晓波获奖的反应: 中国内地的异见人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖在香港引起强烈反响,不同阶层,不同政治观点的人做出不同的反应。星期六,绝大多数香港主流媒体都以显著位置长篇报道了刘晓波获奖一事… http://bit.ly/bMDbxr
BBC中文网: 法国政府呼吁释放刘晓波 http://j.mp/bJbSOR 中国异议人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖后,法国呼吁中国立即释放被监禁的刘晓波。
BBC中文网: 港媒评论:刘晓波"因言入罪、因言获奖" 香港各大报纸都在头版头条大篇幅报道刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖的消息,并刊发了大量评论和照片。 http://bbc.in/deBVxX
BBC中文网: 美国呼吁北京释放刘晓波:美国总统奥巴马和美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿分别呼吁中国尽快释放诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波。 http://bbc.in/9UnfYq
BBC中文网: 刘晓波获奖 海外异议人士反应不一:因起草《零八宪章》被中共当局投入监狱的中国异议人士刘晓波获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖,海外民运和异议人士作出反应。 http://bbc.in/9hkT5C
BBC中文网: 简讯:刘晓波获奖中国向挪威抗议: 中国周五召见挪威驻中国大使,就挪威诺贝尔委员会将2010年诺贝尔和平奖颁发给刘晓波提出抗议。 http://bbc.in/9lONiC
BBC中文网: 马英九祝贺刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖: 台湾总统、行政院长分别表示祝贺,在野的民进党则呼吁台湾政府能支持中国民主化进程。 http://bbc.in/dbbhQ8
BBC中文网: 澳大利亚再次呼吁释放刘晓波: 澳大利亚总理吉拉德表示,将继续以刘晓波的名义向中国政府交涉。 http://bbc.in/aRD5hD
BBC中文网: 英国媒体广泛报道刘晓波获诺贝尔奖: 英国各大报章详尽报道刘晓波得到和平奖的消息,分析指这是对中国政府的专制的谴责。 http://bbc.in/brZwe7
德国之声: 德国政府要求立即释放刘晓波: http://bit.ly/bzX0SF
德国之声: 获奖之后,刘晓波家被封锁,自发庆祝者被抓。刘晓波获诺贝尔和平奖的消息传出后,中国政府国保阻止刘晓波妻子刘霞与传媒见面,中国四大门户网站诺奖专题被撤下,带有相关敏感词的短信被过滤,至晚间20时…… http://bit.ly/byP6k1
德国之声: 刘晓波获奖受到国际关注:德国、挪威和法国政府均对中国异见人士刘晓波荣获诺贝尔和平奖表示祝贺,并呼吁立即释放这位狱中作家。人权组织大赦国际呼吁中国释放所有良心犯。德国媒体也对刘晓波获奖给予极大关注。 http://bit.ly/9OfLui
德国之音: 中国多个城市警方抓捕刘晓波支持者:刘晓波获得诺贝尔和平奖后,中国当局从宣布获奖的一刻起,开始对自发庆祝的中国公众进行抓捕。 http://bit.ly/b6Ei6Q
自由亚洲电台: 大陆封锁刘晓波获奖消息,庆祝人士被捕: 刘晓波获奖的消息震撼不少中国人,尽管当局全力封杀有关消息,包括阻止手机发出有关内容的短信、各大门户网站不断删走有关内容的网帖、及对与诺贝尔奖有关的其他报道进行大清洗,但无阻网民以各种……
第一篇说: 一直没有中国人因为他在中国的努力工作而获得诺贝尔奖,直到刘晓波通过服刑11年这种为了民主而工作的方式获奖。这个对他的勇气和正直表达认同的奖终将有一天会成为所有中国人的骄傲。
第二篇评论是林培瑞写的: 他分析说胡锦涛在05年发表了一篇预防颜色革命的报告,指出要防止中国出现叶利钦/瓦文萨/曼德拉这样的人,所以共产党一直执行的是枪打出头鸟的政策,刘晓波就是他们眼中的出头鸟和大家伙,但是他们犯了一个愚蠢的错误。
纽约客谈刘晓波: 中国持不同政见者的困境,远非外国人可想象。压力不但来自公安,还有雇主,甚至父母。最难堪是来自于知识界/思想界同侪。他们会认为你是为了单纯的对抗而不是求切实的成果。甚至是把自己包装成一个符合西方审美的异议分子。
香港電台: 公民黨到中聯辦要求釋放劉曉波!
这几位以色列同学说:1 看来这个奖发对了 2 中国政府为什么这么蠢?
记者采访刘晓波,问之:请问您为什么要参选诺贝尔和平奖?刘晓波轻抚身旁的孩子,答:不是我要拿这个奖的,是全国人民选举我来拿的 (涛哥此刻内流满面)。
挪威,我真的爱你,你给了中国人民一个太大的走向未来的机会! Thank you Norway, you just gave Chinese people a chance towards the bright future!
1 给中国的异议人士颁诺奖绝不是一个错误的选择
2 这个政权愚蠢至极
标签: 政治
5 评论:
2010-10-9 15:12:00
lf 说...
2010-10-9 17:07:00
good 说...
2010-10-9 23:33:00
Nevesa 说...
2010-10-10 2:13:00
2010-10-10 9:08:00
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Arrested in China
Arrested in China
by Kang Zhengguo, translated from the Chinese by Perry Link
A year ago, after my classes teaching Chinese at Yale were over and the students had left, I set out for my old home in Xi’an, China, to visit relatives. Early in the morning on June 15, the fifth day of my stay in my mother’s house, I had a rude awakening. Before I had gotten out of bed, eight plainclothes agents of the local State Security Bureau burst in, tersely stated their purpose, and forced me to leave with them immediately.
They said they wanted me to take part in a “returnee interview”—which was a standard thing, they said, and nothing for me to be upset about. It was just that my mother’s house was not the most convenient place for a chat, so they would need to use the sedan they had parked in a corner of the compound to bring me to a more suitable place to ask a few questions. The car made a number of turns and then raced toward the guest house of the nearby Electric Power Institute. First I had breakfast with eight agents in the downstairs dining room; then they brought me up to the seventh floor to a room that had been prepared for me. From time to time I noticed other agents heading downstairs toward the dining room. It seemed as if they had moved in during the previous evening to get things ready for me, and now were just finishing their night duty. Agents kept popping in and out of the room, as if taking part in some scheduled deployment.
Their first item of business was to inspect my documents. The agents took my Chinese passport and my US green card, and said they would keep them for the time being. This little move, both they and I knew, was in fact like attaching to me an invisible leg iron. Every Chinese who goes home and gets into trouble knows that once your documents are gone, they’ve got you. Even if they let you go, you can’t move. So there I was, still groggy from sleep, under comfortable detention in a guest house.
They called it a “chat,” but it was a formal interrogation—it just started gently. In order to create a more relaxed atmosphere, they explained, they had specially recalled an old acquaintance of mine, a man who had in-terrogated me for six months after the Tiananmen events of 1989. I understood the terms of such interrogations, because I had been through them before. The questioner begins from the assumption that you are guilty of many, many crimes and that the police already know the details of all of them. He does not say what the crimes are; it is up to you to show your sincerity and earn forgiveness by confessing. The purpose of this approach is to get as much out of you as possible. If you fall for the promise that “confession brings lenience” and spill everything you know, you only get yourself and your friends more deeply into trouble. So I began by stating my own ground rules: since this was a “returnee interview,” not an interrogation, there would be no need for me to volunteer anything. Their side would have to initiate the questions from start to finish. I would answer what I could.
They began by asking about letters I had exchanged with friends in Xi’an after I had left for the West. Then they asked about my contacts in the US with Liu Binyan and Hu Ping, two well-known critics of the Chinese government. They wanted to make clear their especially profound distaste for an essay called “The Crime of Counterrevolution and the Mendacity of Dictatorship” which I had published in the Hong Kong Ming Pao Monthly in 1995 after Wei Jingsheng had been sentenced to a second lengthy prison term. But both they and I knew that none of this added up to “endangerment of national security” and that my responses were unlikely to yield much of value to them. Hence they were obliged to play their trump card, which revealed more directly why they had arrested me.
They had, they said, concrete evidence that made it necessary for them to talk to me. They had searched the home of an elderly friend of mine the day before, and had confiscated all of the letters, magazines, and newspaper clippings that I had mailed to him after moving to America. Now they had some questions: What publications had I mailed to this friend? How many, all together? To whom else had I mailed similar publications? How many? On whose instructions had I mailed these banned publications into China? And so on. So now things were coming clear: my article supporting Wei Jingsheng had sparked their interest, and their raid on my friend’s house had delivered the goods.
This elderly friend of mine was retired, lived at home, and had time on his hands. But he maintained a lively interest in public affairs, and he kept up a steady correspondence with me after I went abroad. He was always eager to learn, and wanted to use me as a way to get hold of information and opinions that were prohibited inside China. I was over fifty years old, had already been through enough political battles, and perhaps should have put him off. But I thought that, well, if I can supply the needs of an old friend for information and at the same time send some uncensored materials to China, those are things one simply ought to do. So I began to buy magazines like Democratic China and Beijing Spring, which published independent comment on Chinese society, and to mail them to China. The police specifically asked about Liu Binyan because I had given the address of my elderly friend to Liu, who in turn had mailed some writings directly to him. They had asked about Hu Ping because another friend had sent me an article that he wanted to have published, and I had sent it to Hu Ping’s magazine Beijing Spring.
After a full day of questioning, certain things dawned on me. During all that time that I was mailing materials to my elderly friend, we thought nothing was amiss because all of them got through. In fact, though, the police had been reading the mail from the beginning and had let things pass on purpose. They wanted to catch bigger fish; they would cut me some slack, let me pile up a bad record, and then deal with everything at once when I came back to Xi’an to visit relatives.
Now their day of reckoning had arrived. First they raided the home of my elderly friend and took away what they would need for their case; one of the confiscated items, as it happened, was the issue of Beijing Spring that contained the article by my friend which I had sent to the magazine. I now realized why they had asked me about Liu Binyan and Hu Ping at the beginning of the day. They wanted me to confirm and perhaps say more about matters that, from months of reading my mail, they already knew.
My “returnee interview” lasted into the evening. When it was over my handlers made it clear that I would remain on the seventh floor of that guest house while they prepared to spend the night with me.
In the morning they tightened the noose. The section chief who was in charge put on a stern face and said I would have to submit a written self-criticism. They would not let me go home until I put in writing that I admitted my crimes and promised never to mail this kind of publication again. I tried two or three drafts and each was rejected. The two main points at issue were: (1) my statement that “I viewed my mailings of these materials from the standpoint of my context overseas, where, with press freedom and legal guarantees of private correspondence, such mailings violated nothing”; and (2) my insistence that the police had not just happened to discover my mailings during their raid on my friend’s house the day before my arrest, but had long been building their case by opening my mail. This monitoring of my mail, I wrote, gave me a sense of having been entrapped.
During the entire second day, the relevant section chief and department head took turns delivering harsh warnings to me. So long as I did not delete those two items from my written confession I would continue to be held. At one point the section chief adopted a pose of offering friendly advice: even if I were right about the protracted opening of my mail, he said, this was permissible under security law. I could think what I wanted about my mail; I just mustn’t write it down in black and white. In any case, so long as I persisted in my two points, I would never pass muster with their superiors.
And sure enough, during the afternoon of the second day things escalated. They took out a document that they had prepared in advance and read me an official “summons”: within twelve hours my status would shift to that of “legal detainee.” I went to bed under that cloud.
Early the next morning, before dawn, I was suddenly awakened by one of the handlers. Half-asleep, I saw before me a security agent whom I had not met before. He was using the last moments of my twelve-hour “summons” period to read me a decision on “supervised residence.” The gist was that, from this moment on, I could be held for interrogation for up to six months; I would, moreover, be responsible for my own room and board expenses.
It was well known that the methods for persecuting people had shifted in recent years and that economic punishments now had been added to the others. I suspected that the security agents were planning a shakedown, and so refused their request that I sign my name agreeing to “supervised residence.” They responded that the decision would take effect anyway, with or without my signature.
It emerged that their entire plan to “interview” me had run into some interference. This happened because, as soon as I had arrived in the guest house, I had called home and had asked my family to notify my friends and relatives in New Haven that I had been detained. The response from the US, including the State Department, had been quick, and had quickly reached high levels in Beijing, from where, it seems, word went down to Xi’an Security to be careful. As I look back now, all those procedures about “summons,” “supervised residence,” and whatnot seem likely to have been precautionary measures that the police resorted to after their plan to hold me had run into difficulty.
The third day was the beginning of a weekend, and they told me that my case would have to be resolved before the end of the work day. They kept urging me to write a new statement. Since I did want to go home, I decided to relent and open the way to a solution. I deleted the two points that I had been insisting upon, and yielded to the demand that I acknowledge the crime of which I was accused: I had violated the state security law that prohibits the “production, distribution, or reading of materials that endanger state security.” This self-criticism worked. About 6 PM they announced that “supervised residence is ending at this point.”
I returned to my mother’s house in a foul mood, feeling sour and violated. The three days of detention had swept away my zest for visiting relatives. I lay on the bed and replayed for myself, scene by scene, the various political tests I had faced in my life, beginning with the “reactionary statements” I had made during my student days right through to that protest poster that I had put up after the Tiananmen Massacre and that had almost got me arrested. Like other “troublemakers,” I had over the years made more than a few specious “self-criticisms” in order to get past the interrogators. I lived in America now, and by staying there I could have ended all contact with these functionaries; but the threads that pulled me toward family and hometown would not let go.
So here I was, with no one to blame but myself, back for more—more humiliation by experts in “Chinese-style” self-criticism. It’s been several decades now, and we Chinese are stuck with the same old question: Why aren’t people allowed to talk, write, and read what they want? The Party and state won’t tolerate free expression on the part of the people they rule. The naively optimistic intellectuals recurrently hope that China will turn a corner, that this time we’re really going to get things on the right track. But then it always emerges that nothing fundamentally changes and we start over again. For people like me, writing self-criticism feels like falling into a very old rut.
During the Cultural Revolution I was sentenced to reeducation through labor for my “reactionary thinking.” Later I was exonerated, but I still suffered a recurring nightmare. In it I saw myself re-arrested and sent back to the labor team to begin serving another sentence. As the intensity of the nightmare increased, I would awake with a start. For years this dream attacked me at night, over and over, like a ghost clinging to my body. Its spell remained in force until I moved with my family to the US. Then I thought I was finally rid of it. But no. Now, here in Xi’an, it had ambushed me again, and this time in broad daylight. My three days in detention had left my family shocked and exhausted and had worried many of my old friends. Everybody was afraid that if I stayed in Xi’an longer something else might happen, and that things might get out of hand. They urged me to go back to America while I still could. So I decided to cut short my visit to my mother. I changed my air ticket to an earlier flight back to the US.
Any Chinese who gets detained during a trip home to China also normally receives “send-off instructions” just before being released. Your handlers tell you to seal your experiences inside yourself, just as you might seal exposed film inside a light-impenetrable canister. And they back this up with a threat: should you ever dare mention anything to the media, your next visit home will be even more rocky—in fact you might just forget about being allowed back into the country at all. This is the reason why, even though hundreds and thousands of people get harassed in things like “returnee interviews,” so few are willing—or dare—to tell what has happened to them once they reach the outside world.
On the day I was released, the State Security department head who had worked on me suddenly discovered that we had gone to the same school. Now she wanted to invite me to a grand banquet to celebrate the end of her department’s interrogation. At this dinner the agents’ admonitions and warnings now took on the flavor of a word game, since their duty to harass me was clearly behind them. Now they wanted me to join them in acknowledging their patriotic enterprise; it all made me feel that I had somehow become an accomplice in their mission to turn me inside-out.
The whole thing was, moreover, a fitting sign of the officially sponsored commercialism of recent years; even an episode of arresting and then releasing somebody was ending in a little orgy of corrupt consumption. Of course, the messages that got passed along amid the clinking of glasses were sharply pointed. For example, when you go back to the US, you should take care to protect the positive image of State Security; everything that’s happened here should be kept under wraps—let’s not have any loose tongues; and so on. And then some intimate advice, delivered in a voice intended to convey sympathetic feeling: your mother’s getting up there in years, remember; someday you’ll need to come back for those final duties of a filial son. The underlying message was clear enough: so long as I had reason to come back to Xi’an, they could do more to me if they wanted.
I had been given some intimidating warnings, and they were part of the reason why I held my tongue for nearly a year after returning to the US. But there were other reasons as well. The well-intentioned reproach and counsel of my friends and relatives came to be in some ways a bigger psychological problem than the intimidation tactics of State Security. Both in Xi’an and back in the US there were people—including my wife—who made fun of my naive behavior. Why spend good money to mail magazines to China? I had asked for trouble, and had ended by getting it. The root cause of my humiliation was my own stupidity. I hadn’t known how to protect myself.
At one point when the police were pressing me to admit that I had harmed China’s national security, I became exasperated: “I didn’t organize any violence. I didn’t steal national military secrets or sell any economic intelligence—in what way did I harm national security? Is national security all that fragile? A few articles criticizing the judiciary, or the passing around of some things that the authorities don’t want people to read—things like that really threaten security?” The police found my efforts to reason with them laughable, of course. Yet still, even now, I feel the need to make my point: they can look up in their little books whatever empty rule they like, but I did nothing whatever to endanger national security. If “national security” means the security of a nation’s citizens, then the state is the biggest threat to national security.
For the person who lives in a country without legal protections, under an unmoving cloud of intimidation, the best one can often do is to go along, angling for small benefits as best one can. When the price becomes prohibitive even for something like reading an overseas magazine, what other recourse does one have? If we look at my three-day detention, we see that State Security may have failed to change my thinking, but its goal of intimidation has largely been achieved. I am not afraid to mail Beijing Spring to China again, but I no longer know of anyone willing to receive it, and I no longer have the same desire to get in touch with them. The whole episode affected a good many other people besides myself. It also brought disaster down on that elderly friend of mine. I can sense that the Chinese who were hurt or even just tainted by my case feel a certain resentment toward me, and want to keep their distance. They apparently feel that I have become a serious threat to their own security.
So why my delay in writing about my experience? A gross act of persecution can elicit a direct response of indignation. That much is easy. But when you have been persecuted the people around you distance themselves from you, or criticize you, and you lose your self-confidence. It can leave you feeling helpless and frustrated, almost paralyzed, even if still full of rage. When you realize that you have caused trouble to other people, or when people close to you express disappointment at your stubbornness, your resolve to fight back starts to melt away, whether you like it or not. Last year at Christmas and New Year’s I received almost no cards or greetings from Xi’an. The detention episode had put my relations with people there into deep freeze, and had cut me off from my hometown and roots. I feel now that the place where I was born and grew up has been lost to me forever.
I have never had any interest in the kind of attention that can come from telling one’s troubles in public, and for that reason, too, I had no plan to rush into print with my story. But human rights conditions in China are worsening. Over the past year it seems to have become an “open season” on Chinese scholars—some of whom are American citizens—who return to China to visit relatives or do research. Several have been arrested and many others have canceled trips for fear of trouble.
I cannot expect that my voice by itself will do anything to improve the human rights situation in China, but perhaps others can learn something from my account about how to handle it. If you are detained, for example, be sure to try to get word to the outside world as soon as possible; don’t just hope you can quietly plea-bargain your way out. Doing so only gives the other side what it wants: the chance to use pressure in secret. And don’t go along with the other side’s encouragement to confess your mistakes or guilt in detail. You may find no alternative to signing a brief statement to get yourself released; but if the purpose of the authorities is to extract from you the very materials they need in order to nail you, then you only trap yourself by talking.
Here in the US I can speak out, but it’s like shouting at a fire from the other side of a river. The moment a Chinese person steps out of China, he or she is largely separated from the struggles of the people back home who, while lacking both rights and power, somehow hope to sweep away falsity and create a secure system that will use law to serve the true interests of everyone.
After returning to New Haven I applied for American citizenship. The terrifying and absurd experience had ruined my ties to my homeland. The poet Wei Zhuang (836-910 AD) has written:
Until you grow old, do not return home;
Going back only breaks your heart.
My own sadness might be captured by changing the first line to “Once you go out, do not return home.”
—Translated from the Chinese by Perry Link
by Kang Zhengguo, translated from the Chinese by Perry Link
A year ago, after my classes teaching Chinese at Yale were over and the students had left, I set out for my old home in Xi’an, China, to visit relatives. Early in the morning on June 15, the fifth day of my stay in my mother’s house, I had a rude awakening. Before I had gotten out of bed, eight plainclothes agents of the local State Security Bureau burst in, tersely stated their purpose, and forced me to leave with them immediately.
They said they wanted me to take part in a “returnee interview”—which was a standard thing, they said, and nothing for me to be upset about. It was just that my mother’s house was not the most convenient place for a chat, so they would need to use the sedan they had parked in a corner of the compound to bring me to a more suitable place to ask a few questions. The car made a number of turns and then raced toward the guest house of the nearby Electric Power Institute. First I had breakfast with eight agents in the downstairs dining room; then they brought me up to the seventh floor to a room that had been prepared for me. From time to time I noticed other agents heading downstairs toward the dining room. It seemed as if they had moved in during the previous evening to get things ready for me, and now were just finishing their night duty. Agents kept popping in and out of the room, as if taking part in some scheduled deployment.
Their first item of business was to inspect my documents. The agents took my Chinese passport and my US green card, and said they would keep them for the time being. This little move, both they and I knew, was in fact like attaching to me an invisible leg iron. Every Chinese who goes home and gets into trouble knows that once your documents are gone, they’ve got you. Even if they let you go, you can’t move. So there I was, still groggy from sleep, under comfortable detention in a guest house.
They called it a “chat,” but it was a formal interrogation—it just started gently. In order to create a more relaxed atmosphere, they explained, they had specially recalled an old acquaintance of mine, a man who had in-terrogated me for six months after the Tiananmen events of 1989. I understood the terms of such interrogations, because I had been through them before. The questioner begins from the assumption that you are guilty of many, many crimes and that the police already know the details of all of them. He does not say what the crimes are; it is up to you to show your sincerity and earn forgiveness by confessing. The purpose of this approach is to get as much out of you as possible. If you fall for the promise that “confession brings lenience” and spill everything you know, you only get yourself and your friends more deeply into trouble. So I began by stating my own ground rules: since this was a “returnee interview,” not an interrogation, there would be no need for me to volunteer anything. Their side would have to initiate the questions from start to finish. I would answer what I could.
They began by asking about letters I had exchanged with friends in Xi’an after I had left for the West. Then they asked about my contacts in the US with Liu Binyan and Hu Ping, two well-known critics of the Chinese government. They wanted to make clear their especially profound distaste for an essay called “The Crime of Counterrevolution and the Mendacity of Dictatorship” which I had published in the Hong Kong Ming Pao Monthly in 1995 after Wei Jingsheng had been sentenced to a second lengthy prison term. But both they and I knew that none of this added up to “endangerment of national security” and that my responses were unlikely to yield much of value to them. Hence they were obliged to play their trump card, which revealed more directly why they had arrested me.
They had, they said, concrete evidence that made it necessary for them to talk to me. They had searched the home of an elderly friend of mine the day before, and had confiscated all of the letters, magazines, and newspaper clippings that I had mailed to him after moving to America. Now they had some questions: What publications had I mailed to this friend? How many, all together? To whom else had I mailed similar publications? How many? On whose instructions had I mailed these banned publications into China? And so on. So now things were coming clear: my article supporting Wei Jingsheng had sparked their interest, and their raid on my friend’s house had delivered the goods.
This elderly friend of mine was retired, lived at home, and had time on his hands. But he maintained a lively interest in public affairs, and he kept up a steady correspondence with me after I went abroad. He was always eager to learn, and wanted to use me as a way to get hold of information and opinions that were prohibited inside China. I was over fifty years old, had already been through enough political battles, and perhaps should have put him off. But I thought that, well, if I can supply the needs of an old friend for information and at the same time send some uncensored materials to China, those are things one simply ought to do. So I began to buy magazines like Democratic China and Beijing Spring, which published independent comment on Chinese society, and to mail them to China. The police specifically asked about Liu Binyan because I had given the address of my elderly friend to Liu, who in turn had mailed some writings directly to him. They had asked about Hu Ping because another friend had sent me an article that he wanted to have published, and I had sent it to Hu Ping’s magazine Beijing Spring.
After a full day of questioning, certain things dawned on me. During all that time that I was mailing materials to my elderly friend, we thought nothing was amiss because all of them got through. In fact, though, the police had been reading the mail from the beginning and had let things pass on purpose. They wanted to catch bigger fish; they would cut me some slack, let me pile up a bad record, and then deal with everything at once when I came back to Xi’an to visit relatives.
Now their day of reckoning had arrived. First they raided the home of my elderly friend and took away what they would need for their case; one of the confiscated items, as it happened, was the issue of Beijing Spring that contained the article by my friend which I had sent to the magazine. I now realized why they had asked me about Liu Binyan and Hu Ping at the beginning of the day. They wanted me to confirm and perhaps say more about matters that, from months of reading my mail, they already knew.
My “returnee interview” lasted into the evening. When it was over my handlers made it clear that I would remain on the seventh floor of that guest house while they prepared to spend the night with me.
In the morning they tightened the noose. The section chief who was in charge put on a stern face and said I would have to submit a written self-criticism. They would not let me go home until I put in writing that I admitted my crimes and promised never to mail this kind of publication again. I tried two or three drafts and each was rejected. The two main points at issue were: (1) my statement that “I viewed my mailings of these materials from the standpoint of my context overseas, where, with press freedom and legal guarantees of private correspondence, such mailings violated nothing”; and (2) my insistence that the police had not just happened to discover my mailings during their raid on my friend’s house the day before my arrest, but had long been building their case by opening my mail. This monitoring of my mail, I wrote, gave me a sense of having been entrapped.
During the entire second day, the relevant section chief and department head took turns delivering harsh warnings to me. So long as I did not delete those two items from my written confession I would continue to be held. At one point the section chief adopted a pose of offering friendly advice: even if I were right about the protracted opening of my mail, he said, this was permissible under security law. I could think what I wanted about my mail; I just mustn’t write it down in black and white. In any case, so long as I persisted in my two points, I would never pass muster with their superiors.
And sure enough, during the afternoon of the second day things escalated. They took out a document that they had prepared in advance and read me an official “summons”: within twelve hours my status would shift to that of “legal detainee.” I went to bed under that cloud.
Early the next morning, before dawn, I was suddenly awakened by one of the handlers. Half-asleep, I saw before me a security agent whom I had not met before. He was using the last moments of my twelve-hour “summons” period to read me a decision on “supervised residence.” The gist was that, from this moment on, I could be held for interrogation for up to six months; I would, moreover, be responsible for my own room and board expenses.
It was well known that the methods for persecuting people had shifted in recent years and that economic punishments now had been added to the others. I suspected that the security agents were planning a shakedown, and so refused their request that I sign my name agreeing to “supervised residence.” They responded that the decision would take effect anyway, with or without my signature.
It emerged that their entire plan to “interview” me had run into some interference. This happened because, as soon as I had arrived in the guest house, I had called home and had asked my family to notify my friends and relatives in New Haven that I had been detained. The response from the US, including the State Department, had been quick, and had quickly reached high levels in Beijing, from where, it seems, word went down to Xi’an Security to be careful. As I look back now, all those procedures about “summons,” “supervised residence,” and whatnot seem likely to have been precautionary measures that the police resorted to after their plan to hold me had run into difficulty.
The third day was the beginning of a weekend, and they told me that my case would have to be resolved before the end of the work day. They kept urging me to write a new statement. Since I did want to go home, I decided to relent and open the way to a solution. I deleted the two points that I had been insisting upon, and yielded to the demand that I acknowledge the crime of which I was accused: I had violated the state security law that prohibits the “production, distribution, or reading of materials that endanger state security.” This self-criticism worked. About 6 PM they announced that “supervised residence is ending at this point.”
I returned to my mother’s house in a foul mood, feeling sour and violated. The three days of detention had swept away my zest for visiting relatives. I lay on the bed and replayed for myself, scene by scene, the various political tests I had faced in my life, beginning with the “reactionary statements” I had made during my student days right through to that protest poster that I had put up after the Tiananmen Massacre and that had almost got me arrested. Like other “troublemakers,” I had over the years made more than a few specious “self-criticisms” in order to get past the interrogators. I lived in America now, and by staying there I could have ended all contact with these functionaries; but the threads that pulled me toward family and hometown would not let go.
So here I was, with no one to blame but myself, back for more—more humiliation by experts in “Chinese-style” self-criticism. It’s been several decades now, and we Chinese are stuck with the same old question: Why aren’t people allowed to talk, write, and read what they want? The Party and state won’t tolerate free expression on the part of the people they rule. The naively optimistic intellectuals recurrently hope that China will turn a corner, that this time we’re really going to get things on the right track. But then it always emerges that nothing fundamentally changes and we start over again. For people like me, writing self-criticism feels like falling into a very old rut.
During the Cultural Revolution I was sentenced to reeducation through labor for my “reactionary thinking.” Later I was exonerated, but I still suffered a recurring nightmare. In it I saw myself re-arrested and sent back to the labor team to begin serving another sentence. As the intensity of the nightmare increased, I would awake with a start. For years this dream attacked me at night, over and over, like a ghost clinging to my body. Its spell remained in force until I moved with my family to the US. Then I thought I was finally rid of it. But no. Now, here in Xi’an, it had ambushed me again, and this time in broad daylight. My three days in detention had left my family shocked and exhausted and had worried many of my old friends. Everybody was afraid that if I stayed in Xi’an longer something else might happen, and that things might get out of hand. They urged me to go back to America while I still could. So I decided to cut short my visit to my mother. I changed my air ticket to an earlier flight back to the US.
Any Chinese who gets detained during a trip home to China also normally receives “send-off instructions” just before being released. Your handlers tell you to seal your experiences inside yourself, just as you might seal exposed film inside a light-impenetrable canister. And they back this up with a threat: should you ever dare mention anything to the media, your next visit home will be even more rocky—in fact you might just forget about being allowed back into the country at all. This is the reason why, even though hundreds and thousands of people get harassed in things like “returnee interviews,” so few are willing—or dare—to tell what has happened to them once they reach the outside world.
On the day I was released, the State Security department head who had worked on me suddenly discovered that we had gone to the same school. Now she wanted to invite me to a grand banquet to celebrate the end of her department’s interrogation. At this dinner the agents’ admonitions and warnings now took on the flavor of a word game, since their duty to harass me was clearly behind them. Now they wanted me to join them in acknowledging their patriotic enterprise; it all made me feel that I had somehow become an accomplice in their mission to turn me inside-out.
The whole thing was, moreover, a fitting sign of the officially sponsored commercialism of recent years; even an episode of arresting and then releasing somebody was ending in a little orgy of corrupt consumption. Of course, the messages that got passed along amid the clinking of glasses were sharply pointed. For example, when you go back to the US, you should take care to protect the positive image of State Security; everything that’s happened here should be kept under wraps—let’s not have any loose tongues; and so on. And then some intimate advice, delivered in a voice intended to convey sympathetic feeling: your mother’s getting up there in years, remember; someday you’ll need to come back for those final duties of a filial son. The underlying message was clear enough: so long as I had reason to come back to Xi’an, they could do more to me if they wanted.
I had been given some intimidating warnings, and they were part of the reason why I held my tongue for nearly a year after returning to the US. But there were other reasons as well. The well-intentioned reproach and counsel of my friends and relatives came to be in some ways a bigger psychological problem than the intimidation tactics of State Security. Both in Xi’an and back in the US there were people—including my wife—who made fun of my naive behavior. Why spend good money to mail magazines to China? I had asked for trouble, and had ended by getting it. The root cause of my humiliation was my own stupidity. I hadn’t known how to protect myself.
At one point when the police were pressing me to admit that I had harmed China’s national security, I became exasperated: “I didn’t organize any violence. I didn’t steal national military secrets or sell any economic intelligence—in what way did I harm national security? Is national security all that fragile? A few articles criticizing the judiciary, or the passing around of some things that the authorities don’t want people to read—things like that really threaten security?” The police found my efforts to reason with them laughable, of course. Yet still, even now, I feel the need to make my point: they can look up in their little books whatever empty rule they like, but I did nothing whatever to endanger national security. If “national security” means the security of a nation’s citizens, then the state is the biggest threat to national security.
For the person who lives in a country without legal protections, under an unmoving cloud of intimidation, the best one can often do is to go along, angling for small benefits as best one can. When the price becomes prohibitive even for something like reading an overseas magazine, what other recourse does one have? If we look at my three-day detention, we see that State Security may have failed to change my thinking, but its goal of intimidation has largely been achieved. I am not afraid to mail Beijing Spring to China again, but I no longer know of anyone willing to receive it, and I no longer have the same desire to get in touch with them. The whole episode affected a good many other people besides myself. It also brought disaster down on that elderly friend of mine. I can sense that the Chinese who were hurt or even just tainted by my case feel a certain resentment toward me, and want to keep their distance. They apparently feel that I have become a serious threat to their own security.
So why my delay in writing about my experience? A gross act of persecution can elicit a direct response of indignation. That much is easy. But when you have been persecuted the people around you distance themselves from you, or criticize you, and you lose your self-confidence. It can leave you feeling helpless and frustrated, almost paralyzed, even if still full of rage. When you realize that you have caused trouble to other people, or when people close to you express disappointment at your stubbornness, your resolve to fight back starts to melt away, whether you like it or not. Last year at Christmas and New Year’s I received almost no cards or greetings from Xi’an. The detention episode had put my relations with people there into deep freeze, and had cut me off from my hometown and roots. I feel now that the place where I was born and grew up has been lost to me forever.
I have never had any interest in the kind of attention that can come from telling one’s troubles in public, and for that reason, too, I had no plan to rush into print with my story. But human rights conditions in China are worsening. Over the past year it seems to have become an “open season” on Chinese scholars—some of whom are American citizens—who return to China to visit relatives or do research. Several have been arrested and many others have canceled trips for fear of trouble.
I cannot expect that my voice by itself will do anything to improve the human rights situation in China, but perhaps others can learn something from my account about how to handle it. If you are detained, for example, be sure to try to get word to the outside world as soon as possible; don’t just hope you can quietly plea-bargain your way out. Doing so only gives the other side what it wants: the chance to use pressure in secret. And don’t go along with the other side’s encouragement to confess your mistakes or guilt in detail. You may find no alternative to signing a brief statement to get yourself released; but if the purpose of the authorities is to extract from you the very materials they need in order to nail you, then you only trap yourself by talking.
Here in the US I can speak out, but it’s like shouting at a fire from the other side of a river. The moment a Chinese person steps out of China, he or she is largely separated from the struggles of the people back home who, while lacking both rights and power, somehow hope to sweep away falsity and create a secure system that will use law to serve the true interests of everyone.
After returning to New Haven I applied for American citizenship. The terrifying and absurd experience had ruined my ties to my homeland. The poet Wei Zhuang (836-910 AD) has written:
Until you grow old, do not return home;
Going back only breaks your heart.
My own sadness might be captured by changing the first line to “Once you go out, do not return home.”
—Translated from the Chinese by Perry Link
Friday, April 16, 2010
发表时间:2010-4-16 18:37:00 阅读次数:2 所属分类:未分类
发表时间:2010-4-16 18:37:00 阅读次数:2 所属分类:未分类
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
江平:China's Rule of Law is in Full Retreat
China's Rule of Law is in Full Retreat
By Jiang PingMar 3, 2010 - 9:27:54 AM
China's Rule of Law is in Full Retreat
by Jiang PingFebruary 21, 2010
Attending today's lunch and hearing so much praise makes me feel very uneasy. I don't know how many times I have celebrated my birthday this year, and here comes Sun Guodong, hosting yet another event.The first celebration was with fellow scholars and the second with my family, but I felt like something was missing. There was no event with lawyers, or rather we might say some lawyers wanted to have a birthday celebration for me but didn't have a chance. I think today's event might settle that. However, in listening to these words of praise my ears have pricked up, as I must say you have expressed aspirations I have definitely never fulfilled. Perhaps it was just the circumstances around me. Because today the situation for the rule of law in China is grim. So in these circumstances perhaps your expectations of me are even higher. But I think I have not been able to do enough.Strictly speaking, in the 30 years of reform what I did was call for private rights. I chose civil law and private rights because those areas were weak in China, or rather in a China with such strong public powers, private rights were always in a weak position. Private rights include the rights of private enterprise, of private property, and perhaps even broader personal rights.Today, I will just mention three issues, but these are not the same three you all just suggested. The first private right I will mention is the Shanxi coal mine problem [private coal miners were encouraged to invest then their mines were taken by the state at low or no compensation]. The Shanxi coal miners demonstrate a violation of the rights of private property and private enterprise, a brazen violation of constitutional guarantees.The second is the Li Zhuang case [the defense lawyer convicted of inciting false testimony in the Chongqing mafia crackdown]. When Wu Xiaoji brought over Li's defense lawyer to talk to me, we chatted for a long time about what happened in court that day and the entire procedural history of the case. After hearing about it, I was furious. No matter what you think about it, from the most basic level, procedural justice was violated. The evidence was not brought out and many of the witnesses did not appear in court. From the perspective of evidence, that case had serious problems.The third is the Liu Xiaobo case. When I heard about the Liu Xiaobo verdict, I felt it was a crime of speech -- a very dangerous thing. China has a long tradition of criminalizing speech, and if we let that tradition continue today, and if those with a sense of justice can't express their views, then our problems are just too serious. Or perhaps, for those of us engaged in the rule of law, if even we take a hands-off approach -- if there is not a single voice of justice among us -- then I think that is really dangerous.So, looking at China's current situation, I think we are in a period where the rule of law is in retreat. Or perhaps, building the rule of law, judicial reform, and political reform are all moving backwards. This is my first thought.My second thought: In the last two books I published, I used the term "cry out" in the title. The first book was called "What I can do is cry out." I recently published a book that I edited by hand, putting together some of my prior work in a careful compilation that I called "Private Rights Cry Out." This latest is part of a series of 100 works of top people in the humanities; in that series I am the only one from the legal field. Why did I choose the word "cry out," and why in the last two years? Of course, I have been enlightened by Lu Xun's example, but it is not only that. I think that choosing "cry out" is important because the situation has become more oppressive. That is to say the environment outside has become more and more difficult. In those circumstances, one must "cry out." No matter what words you choose, when the circumstances are urgent, you must call out with your voice.I also use "cry out" to to be clear about another issue: we must both dare to fight and be good at fighting. Given the conditions for building the rule of law today, these two things need to be merged. This is something I have pondered a long time, and it is very difficult. Perhaps you are good at fighting but you don't dare stand up. Or you dare to fight, but lose your sense of proportion. Because the basic essence of the problem in China is problem of the Party's leadership, the foundation of the political system. If the political system does not reform, then nothing else can reform. If the political system does not reform, then your rule of law, your judicial reform, your anything-else will not be much of an achievement. In those circumstances, it is easy for you to "cross the line," to step into forbidden territory. So in China's circumstances how to put those two things together -- to both dare to fight and be good at fighting -- this is a formidable task.I remember that Ji Weidong once wrote about this problem, and this has given me something to think about. He wrote: How is it that someone like Jiang Ping can exist in China's current political conditions, how is that he does not "cross the line" too far? Of course, the leadership values you, but they are also conscious that they need to be careful about you. I could be regarded as "inside the line" and also be regarded as "outside the line." That position is actually very difficult. I think that at this moment we should carefully position ourselves as in between of those "inside the line" and those "outside the line", this way everything will be a bit better.My third thought is that overall I am still an optimist. In the past, I used to love to say that China's rule of law was two steps forward, one step back. I still haven't changed that view today. Because in terms of the protection of private rights, today's China is vastly improved over the past. Needless to say, this is the case in the last thirty years, or even more needless to say it is the case compared to the decade of the Cultural Revolution. In the 30 years of reform, with the "baptism" of the Property Law, rights consciousness about private rights protection has been enormously improved. The Chengdu self-immolation case, or other cases, already demonstrate that people's sense of private rights have woken up. Add the function of law to the awakening sense of rights consciousness and that is something that can be extremely powerful.Twenty years ago, when we passed the Administrative Litigation Law, it was hard to imagine that such a law could help protect private rights. But today, whether by litigation or other methods, protecting your own rights is something we can say everyone understands. Everyone understands that their rights cannot be infringed. Perhaps in some places the projection of private rights is overlooked, or in some places it is abused. But no matter what, today when we stress protecting private rights, we want to stress two things: first, ordinary personal rights must be protected, but we also must pay attention to not abusing power. If we grasp this, everything will be fine.So today I would like to thank everyone here. So many of you are still here. Some of the scholars have left, but you lawyers have persisted to the end. This also helps explain an important issue, as Pu Zhiqiang just put it as well. Like our lawyers today, more and more people are genuinely interested in the fate of China's rule of law. Lawyers definitely don't only want to make money; many lawyers have come to understand and think about our country's destiny, the future of the rule of law, and the protection of human rights. That way of thinking, and that theme, has already taken root in our heads.I think this is very heartening phenomenon. I believe that China certainly has a bright future. The world trends are unmistakable: whether human rights, democracy, or freedom, these are irresistible trends. All the world's people are moving forward. That we are moving backward is only temporary. Or perhaps, for the time that some people reign, they can do as they please. But after he steps down, he has no status. I think this is the truth.
By Jiang PingMar 3, 2010 - 9:27:54 AM
China's Rule of Law is in Full Retreat
by Jiang PingFebruary 21, 2010
Attending today's lunch and hearing so much praise makes me feel very uneasy. I don't know how many times I have celebrated my birthday this year, and here comes Sun Guodong, hosting yet another event.The first celebration was with fellow scholars and the second with my family, but I felt like something was missing. There was no event with lawyers, or rather we might say some lawyers wanted to have a birthday celebration for me but didn't have a chance. I think today's event might settle that. However, in listening to these words of praise my ears have pricked up, as I must say you have expressed aspirations I have definitely never fulfilled. Perhaps it was just the circumstances around me. Because today the situation for the rule of law in China is grim. So in these circumstances perhaps your expectations of me are even higher. But I think I have not been able to do enough.Strictly speaking, in the 30 years of reform what I did was call for private rights. I chose civil law and private rights because those areas were weak in China, or rather in a China with such strong public powers, private rights were always in a weak position. Private rights include the rights of private enterprise, of private property, and perhaps even broader personal rights.Today, I will just mention three issues, but these are not the same three you all just suggested. The first private right I will mention is the Shanxi coal mine problem [private coal miners were encouraged to invest then their mines were taken by the state at low or no compensation]. The Shanxi coal miners demonstrate a violation of the rights of private property and private enterprise, a brazen violation of constitutional guarantees.The second is the Li Zhuang case [the defense lawyer convicted of inciting false testimony in the Chongqing mafia crackdown]. When Wu Xiaoji brought over Li's defense lawyer to talk to me, we chatted for a long time about what happened in court that day and the entire procedural history of the case. After hearing about it, I was furious. No matter what you think about it, from the most basic level, procedural justice was violated. The evidence was not brought out and many of the witnesses did not appear in court. From the perspective of evidence, that case had serious problems.The third is the Liu Xiaobo case. When I heard about the Liu Xiaobo verdict, I felt it was a crime of speech -- a very dangerous thing. China has a long tradition of criminalizing speech, and if we let that tradition continue today, and if those with a sense of justice can't express their views, then our problems are just too serious. Or perhaps, for those of us engaged in the rule of law, if even we take a hands-off approach -- if there is not a single voice of justice among us -- then I think that is really dangerous.So, looking at China's current situation, I think we are in a period where the rule of law is in retreat. Or perhaps, building the rule of law, judicial reform, and political reform are all moving backwards. This is my first thought.My second thought: In the last two books I published, I used the term "cry out" in the title. The first book was called "What I can do is cry out." I recently published a book that I edited by hand, putting together some of my prior work in a careful compilation that I called "Private Rights Cry Out." This latest is part of a series of 100 works of top people in the humanities; in that series I am the only one from the legal field. Why did I choose the word "cry out," and why in the last two years? Of course, I have been enlightened by Lu Xun's example, but it is not only that. I think that choosing "cry out" is important because the situation has become more oppressive. That is to say the environment outside has become more and more difficult. In those circumstances, one must "cry out." No matter what words you choose, when the circumstances are urgent, you must call out with your voice.I also use "cry out" to to be clear about another issue: we must both dare to fight and be good at fighting. Given the conditions for building the rule of law today, these two things need to be merged. This is something I have pondered a long time, and it is very difficult. Perhaps you are good at fighting but you don't dare stand up. Or you dare to fight, but lose your sense of proportion. Because the basic essence of the problem in China is problem of the Party's leadership, the foundation of the political system. If the political system does not reform, then nothing else can reform. If the political system does not reform, then your rule of law, your judicial reform, your anything-else will not be much of an achievement. In those circumstances, it is easy for you to "cross the line," to step into forbidden territory. So in China's circumstances how to put those two things together -- to both dare to fight and be good at fighting -- this is a formidable task.I remember that Ji Weidong once wrote about this problem, and this has given me something to think about. He wrote: How is it that someone like Jiang Ping can exist in China's current political conditions, how is that he does not "cross the line" too far? Of course, the leadership values you, but they are also conscious that they need to be careful about you. I could be regarded as "inside the line" and also be regarded as "outside the line." That position is actually very difficult. I think that at this moment we should carefully position ourselves as in between of those "inside the line" and those "outside the line", this way everything will be a bit better.My third thought is that overall I am still an optimist. In the past, I used to love to say that China's rule of law was two steps forward, one step back. I still haven't changed that view today. Because in terms of the protection of private rights, today's China is vastly improved over the past. Needless to say, this is the case in the last thirty years, or even more needless to say it is the case compared to the decade of the Cultural Revolution. In the 30 years of reform, with the "baptism" of the Property Law, rights consciousness about private rights protection has been enormously improved. The Chengdu self-immolation case, or other cases, already demonstrate that people's sense of private rights have woken up. Add the function of law to the awakening sense of rights consciousness and that is something that can be extremely powerful.Twenty years ago, when we passed the Administrative Litigation Law, it was hard to imagine that such a law could help protect private rights. But today, whether by litigation or other methods, protecting your own rights is something we can say everyone understands. Everyone understands that their rights cannot be infringed. Perhaps in some places the projection of private rights is overlooked, or in some places it is abused. But no matter what, today when we stress protecting private rights, we want to stress two things: first, ordinary personal rights must be protected, but we also must pay attention to not abusing power. If we grasp this, everything will be fine.So today I would like to thank everyone here. So many of you are still here. Some of the scholars have left, but you lawyers have persisted to the end. This also helps explain an important issue, as Pu Zhiqiang just put it as well. Like our lawyers today, more and more people are genuinely interested in the fate of China's rule of law. Lawyers definitely don't only want to make money; many lawyers have come to understand and think about our country's destiny, the future of the rule of law, and the protection of human rights. That way of thinking, and that theme, has already taken root in our heads.I think this is very heartening phenomenon. I believe that China certainly has a bright future. The world trends are unmistakable: whether human rights, democracy, or freedom, these are irresistible trends. All the world's people are moving forward. That we are moving backward is only temporary. Or perhaps, for the time that some people reign, they can do as they please. But after he steps down, he has no status. I think this is the truth.
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